Sunday 16 June 2024

Clearing Up the Myths about Hypnotherapy


Are you considering hypnotherapy but have some concerns?  Or would you like to try it and have some questions that are nagging away? Or are you interested in wellness and curious about hypnotherapy’s benefits? If so, you’re not alone. There are many misconceptions about hypnotherapy that can make it seem intimidating or a bit woo woo. In this post, I'll look at some of these common myths and provide you with a clearer understanding of Hypnotherapy and it's benefits.

Table of Contents

The Myth

Many people fear they will lose control during hypnotherapy, potentially being made to do things against their will. 

The Reality

Hypnotherapy is about achieving a heightened state of awareness and focus. Throughout the session you will remain fully aware and in control of your actions.  Think of it as guided meditation; you’re deeply relaxed but still in charge, or like daydreaming where your mind just wander off but on some level you still know what is going on. Research shows that individuals under hypnosis are in a state of heightened focus and are not at the mercy of the therapist.

 Misconception 2: Only the Weak-Minded Can Be Hypnotised 

The Myth

Some believe that only gullible or weak-minded people can be hypnotised.

The Reality

The ability to be hypnotised is not linked to intelligence or mental strength. It’s more about being open to the process and willing to relax into hypnosis. Most people can be hypnotised to some degree if they are willing participants. Studies indicate that personality traits such as openness to experience can influence whether you can be hypnotised so you need to be willing to be hypnotised.  It’s not a weakness of mind, it is just using different parts of the mind.   

Misconception 3: Hypnotherapy is Dangerous 

The Myth

There is a misconception that hypnotherapy is dangerous and can cause psychological harm.

The Reality

When conducted by a trained and certified professional, hypnotherapy is a safe therapeutic technique. It’s a natural state of deep relaxation and focus, similar to daydreaming where your conscious mind drifts off but your subconscious mind is aware of what is going on.  You also have to be a willing participant, you cannot be forced or tricked into a Hypnotic state.  

Misconception 4: Revealing Secrets 

The Myth

People fear they might reveal personal secrets or information under hypnosis.

The Reality

You have complete control over what you say during hypnotherapy. You won’t reveal any information you don’t want to, and in fact you don't need to tell your hypnotherapist anything.  It is your subconscious mind that is doing the work, your hypnotherapist is just there to guide you.  Hypnosis cannot compel you to act against your will or disclose anything you wish to keep private.

Misconception 5: Hypnotherapy is Just for Entertainment 

The Myth

Many see hypnotherapy as nothing more than a stage trick used for entertainment.

The Reality

While stage hypnosis is for entertainment, clinical hypnotherapy is a serious therapeutic practice used to treat a variety of issues, from anxiety and stress to smoking cessation and pain management. Research has found evidence to support its efficacy in various medical and psychological treatments and it can be effective for conditions or concerns such as:

    • Anger management
    • Anxiety
    • Depression
    • Smoking
    • Pain management
    • Insomnia
    • Sleepwalking
    • Trichotillomania
    • Phobias
    • Stress
    • IBS

Misconception 6: Instant Cure 

The Myth

Some people believe hypnotherapy can offer an instant cure for their issues.

The Reality

Hypnotherapy can work really quickly, and changes are often noticed after the first session, but it is not a magic wand. While some people may experience significant improvements quickly, it sometimes requires multiple sessions.

Misconception 7: Not Waking Up from Hypnosis 

The Myth

A common fear is that one might not wake up from hypnosis.

The Reality

This is unfounded. Hypnosis is a natural state, and you can come out of it at any time. If left alone, you would either naturally return to full awareness or drift into a natural sleep and wake up normally. The process is entirely safe.


Hopefully this post has helped debunk some of the common misconceptions about hypnotherapy and answer any questions you have. It’s a powerful tool for personal growth and healing when approached with an open mind and realistic expectations. By addressing these common misconceptions, we aim to provide a clearer understanding of hypnotherapy’s benefits and encourage those curious about it to take the next step towards their wellness journey. If you have any more questions or if you’re interested in exploring hypnotherapy further, feel free to get in touch or book a discovery call today by clicking here

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