Sunday 25 August 2024

Do You Remember Who You Were Before the World Told You Who You Should Be?

1. Introduction: Rediscovering Your Authentic Self

2. Why We Lose Touch with Ourselves

3. Signs You’ve Lost Connection with What Truly Brings You Joy

4. How to Reconnect with Your Authentic Self

5. Finding Joy Through Hypnotherapy

6. Take the Next Step: A Discovery Call

Introduction: Rediscovering Your Authentic Self

Do you ever find yourself longing for a version of you that seems buried beneath the pressures of daily life? You might have flashes of who you were—before responsibilities, societal expectations, and the weight of “shoulds” took over. Remembering who you were before the world told you who you should be is a powerful first step in reconnecting with the joy and fulfilment that come from living as you really want to.

In a world driven by external expectations, where it feels like everything we do is on display and available for others to judge us on, it’s easy to lose sight of what really makes us tick. But under the layers of stress, anxiety, and obligation lies the true you—the one who knows what lights you up and brings you joy.

Why We Lose Touch with Ourselves

From a young age, we’re subtly (or maybe not-so-subtly) taught to conform. Society, culture, family, and even well-meaning friends often impose ideas about what’s “right” or “successful.” Over time, these messages are absorbed and we start shaping our lives around them, rather than around what genuinely fulfills us.

This disconnection is often at the root of stress and anxiety. When we live our lives based on others expectations instead of what we truly want, it creates a tension between who we are and who we’re pretending to be. Eventually, we might wake up one day feeling joyless, unmotivated, or even anxious—because we’ve lost touch with our authentic selves.

Signs You’ve Lost Connection with What Truly Brings You Joy

Are you wondering if you’ve strayed from your true self? Here are some common signs:

- You’re constantly tired or unmotivated, even when you’re meeting life’s “requirements.”

- You find yourself doing things because you “should”, not because you really want to.

- Your passions feel distant or irrelevant. Things that used to excite you now feel like a waste of time or pointless.  

- You struggle with anxiety or a lingering sense of unease, as if you’re always waiting for something to go wrong.

If any of these strike a chord, it might be time to stop and think about whether you’re living life in your terms or are you just following a script that’s been handed to you.

How to Reconnect with Your Authentic Self

Reconnecting involves peeling back layers of conditioning and rediscovering what truly matters to you. Here are a few ways to start:

- Journal with Intention: Reflect on moments when you felt most alive or at peace. What were you doing? Who were you with? How did it feel?  I never used to do this, I thought it was pointless, but now I have a 5 year diary and I love writing a wee paragraph about my day, and also reading what’s happened in years past.   

- Revisit Childhood Joys: What brought you joy as a child? Often, the activities we loved before external expectations took hold can offer clues to what really makes us tick.

- Practice Mindfulness: Being present can help you tune into your true desires. What thoughts or activities naturally make you feel like you, rather than constricted?

- Seek Guidance: Sometimes, the path to rediscovery is easier with support. Hypnotherapy, can be a powerful tool for accessing the subconscious and revealing the real you that’s been buried beneath years of societal conditioning.

Finding Joy Through Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy is more than just a tool for managing anxiety—it’s a gateway to reconnecting with your authentic self. By accessing the subconscious, hypnotherapy can help uncover deeply rooted beliefs that keep you stuck in patterns that don’t serve you. Imagine letting go of the expectations that have weighed you down and rediscovering the joy that flows naturally when you live according to what makes you feel happy and fulfilled.

Hypnotherapy can help you explore:

- The origins of limiting beliefs and why you feel pressured to conform.

- Uncovering what genuinely brings you joy and lights up your soul.

- Releasing anxiety and stress

Conclusion: Embrace the Journey Back to Your True Self

Rediscovering who you were before the world told you who to be is an act of self-compassion and courage. It’s about peeling back the layers of expectation, doubt, and fear that have slowly built up over the years, hiding the real you. By taking small steps to reconnect with who you really are, whether through reflection, mindfulness, or support like hypnotherapy—you open up space for more joy, fulfilment, and inner peace.

Remember, the joy you’re seeking isn’t found in meeting everyone else’s expectations. It’s found in reconnecting with what truly makes you feel alive. You deserve to live a life that feels genuine and true to who you are

. If you’re ready to explore this journey deeper and discover the freedom that comes from living as your authentic self, let’s connect. The path to finding joy and releasing the weight of anxiety begins with honouring the person you were always meant to be.

Monday 12 August 2024

Hypnosis for Change: How It Works

  • What is Hypnosis?
  • The Hypnotic State
  • How Hypnosis Works
  • The Power of the Subconscious Mind
  • Hypnosis and Change

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a state of focussed attention and increased suggestibility. It's often misunderstood as sleep or mind control, but it's actually a natural state that we experience several times a day – when we're deeply engrossed in a book, movie, or daydreaming. Hypnotherapy uses this state to access the subconscious mind, where many of our beliefs, habits, and emotions reside.

The Hypnotic State

During hypnosis, you remain conscious and aware of your surroundings. Your focus narrows, allowing you to tune out distractions and concentrate on the therapist's suggestions. This state is often described as a relaxed, trance-like feeling and you are in control, the hypnotist can't make you do anything against your will.

How Hypnosis Works

Hypnosis works by bypassing the critical mind, which is the part of your brain that's always analysing and judging. This allows the therapist to communicate directly with your subconscious mind. By suggesting positive changes, the therapist can help you create new neural pathways and overcome limiting beliefs.

A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis found that hypnosis can effectively reduce anxiety and pain. Another study in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology demonstrated the efficacy of hypnotherapy for smoking cessation.

The Power of the Subconscious Mind

Your subconscious mind is like a vast computer storing information and controlling your automatic behaviours. It's responsible for habits, emotions, and physical responses. Hypnosis can help you access this powerful part of your mind to make positive changes.

Hypnosis and Change

Hypnosis can be used to address a wide range of issues, including:

  • Anxiety and stress Hypnosis can help reduce feelings of anxiety and stress by teaching relaxation techniques, identifying stress triggers, and developing healthier coping mechanisms. By accessing the subconscious mind, hypnotherapy can help to reprogram negative thought patterns associated with anxiety.

  • Phobias  Specific phobias can significantly impact daily life, be it fear of spiders or flying, they can really stop you from living the life you want to live. Hypnosis can help to desensitise you to the fear-inducing stimuli, gradually reducing anxiety and allowing you to face phobias with confidence.

  • Weight management Hypnosis can be a valuable tool for weight management by helping to identify emotional triggers for overeating, develop healthier eating habits, and increase motivation for physical activity. It can also help to boost self-esteem and body image, contributing to long-term weight management success.

  • Pain management Hypnosis has been shown to be effective in managing chronic pain by helping to reduce pain perception, promote relaxation, and improve coping mechanisms. It can also complement traditional medical treatments.

  • Smoking cessation Hypnosis can increase the success rate of quitting smoking by addressing the psychological and emotional aspects of addiction. It can help to reduce cravings, break habits, and develop a strong aversion to cigarettes.

  • Improving self-esteem  Hypnosis can help to identify and challenge negative self-beliefs, fostering a more positive self-image. By building self-confidence and self-worth, individuals can experience improved relationships, career success, and overall life satisfaction.

  • Enhancing performance Hypnosis can be used to enhance athletic performance by improving focus, concentration, and motivation. It can also help to reduce anxiety, procrastination and build confidence, leading to better results in sports and other activities.

By understanding how hypnosis works, you can better appreciate its potential for personal growth and transformation. Hypnosis is a collaborative process between you and the therapist and it is complementary therapy that can be used alongside other treatments. With the right guidance and practice, you can harness the power of your mind to create the life you desire.

Hypnosis is for Everyone

Introduction: The Magic of the Mind What is Hypnosis, Anyway? How Hypnosis Works: Tapping into Your Inner Superhero Hypnosis in Action: ...